Morreu, aos 99 anos, o príncipe Philip, marido da Rainha Elizabeth II da Inglaterra. Quem foi esse homem?
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HRH Prince Philip
Prince Philip of Greece was born on 10 June 1921 on the island of Corfu. His father was Prince Andrew of Greece. His mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, was the eldest child of Prince Louis of Battenberg.
He was the youngest child and the only boy in a family of sisters. The prince began his education in France. When he was 7 years old, he moved to England. Towards the end of his studies, Prince Philip decided to join the army. He wanted to join the Royal Air Force but his family tradition was the Navy.
That's where he met two young princesses, Elizabeth and Margaret. They were accompanying their parents, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, on a tour. Princess Elizabeth was only 13 years old.
Some time later, he and the young Princess Elizabeth started exchanging letters. He was invited to stay with the Royal Family many times. Finally, in the summer of 1946, Philip asked the King for his daughter's hand in marriage.
The day before the wedding, King George VI gave him the title of His Royal Highness. On the morning of the wedding day he became Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich.
The wedding took place in Westminster Abbey on 20 November 1947.
Their first son, Prince Charles, was born at Buckingham Palace in 1948, and a daughter, Princess Anne, arrived in 1950. They were later joined by Prince Andrew (1960) and Prince Edward (1964).
In 1952, King George VI became ill and died. Philip had to tell Elizabeth the news - she was now Queen. He soon left the army and dedicated himself to the role of Prince Consort.
In 2019, Buckingham Palace calculated he had completed 22,219 solo engagements since 1952. He believed his job was, as he told his biographer, "to ensure the Queen can reign". They celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary in 2020.
Você também pode me ouvir lendo o texto no áudio abaixo!
HRH (acronym)
Acronym for His Royal Highness.
Eldest (adjective)
The oldest (son or daughter).
Navy (noun)
A sector of the military responsible for the ocean, the seas, etc.
Prince Consort (noun)
The prince that becomes a prince because he is married to a Princess or Queen.
Ensure, to ensure (verb)
To make sure that something happens.