A National Geographic acaba de reconhecer mais um oceano que será incluído nos mapas.
Este texto é de nível básico.
A whole new... Ocean!
We all know the world’s oceans: the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. It is one of the first lessons of geography at school.
Now, National Geographic’s mapmakers have officially recognized a brand-new ocean: the Southern Ocean.
Why now? The specialist team has found that the water in that area is distinct enough to have its own ecological classification.
The Southern Ocean is surrounded by a fast-moving current – known as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. It separates its waters from the northern oceans. The waters of the Southern Ocean are less salty and colder, too.
So remember: there are now five, not four, oceans on Earth.
Texto adaptado de artigo da Design Taxi. Você pode ler o original aqui.
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