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Duas palavras mágicas | Nível básico

Foto do escritor: Ana Key KapazAna Key Kapaz

Qual é o melhor jeito de oferecer colo e um ombro amigo a uma pessoa próxima? Essas duas palavras ajudam bastante.

Este texto é de nível básico.


Two words that show a lot of empathy

What's the best way of giving advice or supporting a friend?

Some people can see all sides of a situation. Good and bad, advantages and disadvantages, a very rational attitude. It is also common for people to simply agree with us.

But sometimes, we need more empathy than that.

Therapist Lindsay Braman suggested that the best strategy is to mirror the other person. How? By saying two words: “of course”. This is a simple way of saying “Yes, it makes total sense that you feel or think this way.” This shows them you’re listening, that you understand (or, at least, you’re trying to), and most importantly, that you respect the way they feel.

With this small-but-important connection, you show more than you think. Empathy is very important to people, just like respect. And these two words express both feelings!

Texto adaptado de artigo da Medium. Você pode ler o original aqui.


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