A famosa boneca agora é feita de plástico que iria para os oceanos!
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A 21st Century Barbie
This summer, Barbie is closer to the ocean than ever. As part of Mattel’s vision to use 100% recycled, recyclable or bio-based plastic materials by 2030, the bodies of the four new dolls— each notably with a different silhouette and skin tone — are sculpted using 90% recycled ocean-bound plastic pieces.
Their eco-friendliness emanates outwards too, as even their beach-ready outfits, accessories, and setups are constructed from recycled materials without any loss of quality.
“At Mattel, we empower the next generation to explore the wonder of childhood and reach their full potential,” shared Mattel president Richard Dickson. “We take this responsibility seriously and are continuing to do our part to make sure kids can inherit a world that’s full of potential, too.”
The launch comes hand in hand with a new Barbie vlog entitled Barbie Shares How We Can All Protect the Planet. Check out the new dolls below!
Texto adaptado de artigo da Design Taxi. Você pode ler o original aqui.
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Ocean-bound (adjective)
Abandoned plastic waste on its way to our oceans.