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A Ilha da Tasmânia | Nível básico

Foto do escritor: Ana Key KapazAna Key Kapaz

Talvez você já tenha ouvido falado do Diabo da Tasmânia. Mas você conhece a ilha de onde ele vem?

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The Island of Tasmania

Tasmania is a large island located to the south of Australia. Its capital and largest city is Hobart. The island was joined to the mainland until the end of the most recent ice age, about 10,000 years ago.

Tasmania is the home of rare animals such as eastern quolls and Tasmanian devils.

Tasmania is also a state of Australia. Unlike the other states, it is an island. The Bass Strait separates it from the Australian mainland. Australian aboriginals were the native people of Tasmania. However, the last Tasmanian Aboriginal died in 1905.

Abel Janszoon Tasman, an explorer, landed on the island in 1642. He called it "Van Diemen's Land". It was later called Tasmania, after his name. Much later, people came from Europe, mostly from the British Empire, to live on the island.

Tasmania has only four cities: capital city Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie. It is the smallest state in Australia. It also has the smallest population. The total population of Tasmania is just over 500,000.

Famous Tasmanians include actor Errol Flynn (best known for his role in the 1930s as Robin Hood), Princess Mary Donaldson of Denmark, fashion designer Allanah Hill and actor Simon Baker, famous for The Mentalist.


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Mainland (noun)

A large continuous extent of land that includes the greater part of a country or territory.

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