Na primeira live do A Key do Inglês, mostrei como fazer um molho à bolonhesa do jeitinho que minha tia australiana faz. Ela, ironicamente, é mais do que vegana, mas essa receita é demais. Veja abaixo a receita em inglês, com fotos dos ingredientes e as palavras que mencionei na live ao final, com tradução.
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Abbie's Sauce Bolognaise
• 500g of minced meat
• 1/2 bottle of tomato purée (250ml)
• 1 tin of tomatoes, chopped
• 1 small can of tomato paste
• 1 large carrot, diced
• 1 stick of celery, diced (optional, I didn't use any)
• 1 small onion, finely chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, crushed
• Salt, chilli flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
• Dried or fresh basil, to taste
• Olive oil
Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan or wok. Add the onion and the garlic, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon until golden. Add the carrot (and the celery, if using it) and stir until cooked. If you're using dried basil and chilli flakes, add now. Stir in the tomato paste. Mix well, then add the minced meat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until it's brown and cooked thoroughly. Finally, add the tin tomatoes and the tomato purée, adjusting the sauce consistency to taste. Let it cook for about 10 minutes. Season to taste. If you're using fresh basil, add it last.
Bring water to the boil in a large saucepan. Add salt. Once it's boiling, add the pasta. Cook until al dente. Drain it in a colander, serve it on plates or bowls, add the sauce and serve with freshly grated parmesan cheese. Enjoy!
Chopped, to chop = picado, picar
Diced, to dice = cortar em cubinhos
Crushed, to crush = amassado, amassar
Ground, to grind = moer
Grated, to grate = ralar
Peeled, to peel = descascar
To stir, stirring = mexer (com uma colher)
To drain = escorrer
Season to taste = temperar a gosto
To bring water to the/a boil = ferver água
To cook thoroughly = cozinhar completamente
Colander = escorredor
Chopping board = tábua
Wooden spoon = colher de pau
Peeler = descascador
Saucepan = panela grande
Grinder = moedor
Grater = ralador
Plate = prato
Bowl = cumbuca, tigela
Teaspoon (tsp) = colher de chá
Tablespoon (tbsp) = colher de sopa
Fork = garfo
Knife = faca
Cutlery = talheres
Garlic clove = dente de alho
Mince, beef mince, minced meat = carne moída
To taste = a gosto